Defective BOW Pex Water Pipes
Faulty Water Pipes in Montgomery
We are currently representing local homeowners in litigation against the manufacturer of defective pex water pipes in their homes. Specifically, we are suing BOW Plumbing Group Inc., a Canadian manufacturer who sold and distributed their defective pex pipes to a large population of innocent homeowners.
Our cases allege the pipes prematurely rupture and cause devasting water damage to homes, resulting in significant out-of-pocket expenses to the homeowner. Many of our clients have been forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to repair or re-plumb their entire homes.
We are seeking compensation from BOW for our clients and their homes. We are representing individual clients with BOW pex pipes in their homes, both those who have experienced leaks and those who have not yet.
Our discussions with reputable plumbers indicate that BOW pex pipes are defective and break down over time. It is our opinion even if no leaks have yet occurred, your home may be in need of re-plumbing.
If you have recently built or remodeled a home in Montgomery and installed BOW pex pipes, you may be entitled to compensation. The product liability lawyers at Jinks Crow have decades of experience protecting the rights of people throughout the country who have been impacted financially by defective or dangerous products.
Contact us today for a free consultation and claim evaluation by calling us at
(888) 297-9592 or completing the form below.
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